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Quibi is back, this time with an electric car

Quibi is back, this time with an electric car

"It's like Quibi looked at their initial business plan, which set fire to $1.75 billion, and asked, 'How can we burn through even more money more quickly?

Alex Cohen profile image
by Alex Cohen

In a turn of events as unexpected as its own brief lifespan, Quibi, the short-lived streaming service that dazzled and then dizzied Silicon Valley, is making a comeback. But this time, it's not streaming videos on your phone – it's driving you to your destination with its brand new electric car.

"Yes, we've pivoted," announced Jeffrey Katzenberg, Quibi's co-founder, standing next to a sleek, compact electric vehicle adorned with the Quibi logo. "Our new mission is to make your commute as short and impactful as our shows were supposed to be."

The man Jeff

The Quibi Car, as it's been dubbed, promises to revolutionize the electric vehicle industry much like Quibi aimed to revolutionize mobile entertainment. It's designed for short trips – "very, very short trips," Katzenberg emphasized, in a nod to Quibi's original 10-minute-or-less content format.

The car's unique features include a streaming service on the dashboard that only plays 5-minute episodes – "perfect for your drive across the street," says Katzenberg – and a battery that ensures you can't go further than the range of your Wi-Fi. "It's eco-friendly and ensures you stay close to home, just like our viewers did," he added, winking at the pandemic that coincided with Quibi's original run.

Tech analysts are baffled by this bold move. "It's like Quibi looked at their initial business plan, which set fire to $1.75 billion, and asked, 'How can we burn through even more money more quickly?'," said one industry expert.

In response to concerns about the vehicle's viability, Meg Whitman, Quibi's other co-founder, assured that "just like our streaming service, we are prepared to adapt. If people want longer drives, we might consider adding a second battery – but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

The Quibi Car is set to roll out next April, precisely two years after the original Quibi service was launched. "It's symbolic," said Katzenberg. "A new beginning, or maybe just another ending. We'll see."

Alex Cohen profile image
by Alex Cohen

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